Workshop on multiculturalism – second edition

SIETAR Poland and the Marek Edelman Dialogue Center have organized a second edition of a multicultural event in Łódź.

On 27 March, using the knowledge of the issue of multiculturalism in other countries gained in February during the first event 'What is the future of Multiculturalism?', we want to talk about multiculturalism in Poland. The most developed societies are - almost without exception -multicultural. Is our country a good place for foreigners to live? Are Poles ready for a transformation into a multicultural society? What bothers the foreigners living in Poland and what attracts them here? What can we improve? In late March, in Łódź, we want to talk about these issues with Poles and foreigners living in Poland.

We have organized a panel discussion with Polish experts and expatriates. We have also prepared a workshop on intercultural communication. Admission to the discussion and workshop is free. In case more people come than there are places available, the organizer reserves the right to admit those who had applied earlier first. Please, contact us by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More information coming soon!

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© 2020 Dialogue Center. Co-financed by the National Center for Culture as part of the Culture on the Web program.

Opening hours


Monday - Friday from 11 AM to 6 PM
Saturday - Sunday from 12.00 PM to 6 PM

Admission to the building and all exhibitions
is free.

During the opening hours you can visit current exhibitions.
The last entrance to the exhibitions takes place half an hour before the closing of the building.



Monday - Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED


Contact us!

Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi
ul. Wojska Polskiego 83, 91-755 Łódź

tel. +48 42 636 38 21
      +48 506 155 911

VAT ID PL7262636381

RIK 1/2010

REGON 101022466

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